Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // TP Trick With Charles

Tools :
* Charles Proxy
* Fire Fox

Steps :
  1. open charles (pastikan addressnya betul, adres ninja saga)
  2. open ns till the choosing character page
  3. enable break point.
  4. choose char,--> play.
  5. execute 7 times.
  6. find Edit respon, AMF , search for Bloodline.
  7. expand the bloodline folder, expand the folder inside the bloodline folder, (the folder from 0 t0 7)
  8. change the level to 10 in every folder from 2 to 7.(if u have learn the secret, it will give u till 9 folder, change the level in each folder from 1 to 9)
  9. disable break point, execute, tadaaaaa.... all your talent skill at max level!

2 komentar:

  1. gan skill nya ga permanen ya? kok pas reload kembali lvl 1 mohon pencerahannya gan

  2. free token.. JOKI ninja saga softwear


jangan lupa komen ok!!