Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // 10 TP on Shop

ni da cheat buat TP nih...
but cuma 10TP gapapa kan???
klo Xn butuh donlot za...
klo ga butuh trus punya cheat yg lebih bagus jgn lupa share..

tools :

Steps :
1. Download the file
2. Open Fidler
3. Drag the the shop_new.swf to the Auto Responder tab in Fidler
4. Go to Ninja Saga then play. Go to Shop>Items>last page then buy 10 TP for free
5. Enjoy!

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Useful Trick To Earn Candy And Hallowen Gear !!!!

  1. Log in Dummy Account (first). Use Dummy because TOKENS WILL BE DEDUCTED!!
  2. Go Ninja Saga(Play)
  3. Open Cheat Engine v5.6, select Process "Plugin-container.exe" (or the 3rd chrome.exe if using chrome browser)
  4. Scan Total Tokens do you have on CE (example: you have 100 tokens, scan 100) (default values, 4bytes)
  5. Enter the Ninja Saga Headquarters
  6. Convert token 1 only to gold
  7. Go out of the Headquarters
  8. Next Scan Total token after exiting the CE Headquarters (based on the example, 100 - 1 = 99 Tokens)
  9. 1 address returned
  10. Double click the address so it appears in the CE table.
  11. Double click the address and add +4 at the end of the address (example: 03FCFA9C+4)
  12. Press OK.
  13. Change the value to "2"
  14. Go to SHOP
  15. Click Body
  16. Buy "Evil Suit" (a emblem suit)
  17. After you have purchased this item, a POP UP will appear.
  18. DON'T CANCEL IT. Click Publish/Share it. (be sure that you have click the button for "SHARE" to share it for friends).
  19. Log in your Original Account
  20. Go to wall of your dummy account, the one who have shared the item
  21. You should see a wall post like this "Marvin found Halloween Clothing for you when playing with the the new Halloween costume!"
  22. CLICK "Get Halloween Treat"
  23. Your NS will load, then take a look to your GEAR. Smile It's a random item
  24. Log in Another Dummy Account, and repeat from the Step 1 -21 again until you get all of those Halloween items that you want.

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Agility+HP+damage trick

Tools :
Cheat Engine
Firefox, CHROME, Iexplorer

Steps :
  1. go to ninja saga. DONT CLICK PLAY OPEN Cheat Engine process plug in container
  2. Scan 28 00 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 arayy of bytes
  3. scan one adress found. double click the adress change value to. AA FF FF 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 click play.
  4. Go to your profile again ticle new scan.
  5. scan 01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 14 00 array of bytes
  6. One adress found double click. change value to 04 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 64 00 exit profile go again to profile see your agility
  7. ce again new scan 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 01 array of bytes scan doble click the address change value to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 01 new scan again a93f9a9999999999a93f array of bytes.1 address = 1 pet so if you have 10 pets you will have 10 adresseslook for the 6 in yhe last digit. ex xxxxxxxx6 doble click all dat has 6 in the end.copy the addres +22 set to doube... change value to 9999999999

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Damage + Dodge

Bahan diperlukan

-Cheat Engine

Tutor Cheat Ninja Saga Damage + Dodge

-Pertama buka NS mu play
-masuk ke Profil [penting!!]
-buka CE nya + Procces ke browser mu
-pilih array of bytes + ASROM

-scan A93F9A9999999999A93F
-kluar 1 address
-klik dua kali agar kluar ke bawah
-buka tab addressnya trus Copy/Ctrl + C
-Cancel jgn OK
-Trus pencet “add address manually”
-Paste/Ctrl + V trus tulis +22
-ganti jadi double ->OK
-kluar 1 address yg value nya 1,5
-ganti jadi 9999 (ane saranin 4/5 aja 9 nya, kalo kebanyakan nnti kadang damage nya 0))
-balik ke NS trus jalanin misi lv 1
-pasti udah ga work
-selesaiin dlu baru balik ke profil lgi
-hapus smua address dibawah
-new scan langsung first scan lagi
-klik 4x addres yg muncul
-ganti value yg pertama dgn xxxxxxx [dodge]
-value yg kedua dgn xxxxxxxx [damage]
-set hotkey keduanya [kalo gw yg pertama F1 yg kedua F2]
-kluar profil masuk profil lgi
-Critical 100% udah work
-jalanin misi lv 1 lagi
-pencet hotkey F2
-duerrrrrr udah jadi damage nya tpi dodge nya belom
-masuk profil buka CE ganti value pertamanya dgn xxxxxxxxxx
-PENTING!!cara ganti dgn cara klik kanan->change record->value trus paste
-kluar masuk profil
-dodge udah 100%
-coba lawan Tengu [ane saranin]
-pertama pencet F1 dlo biar dodge
-lalu serang dgn F2 [pet damage nya juga berlaku]

nb:hasil copas belum di uji

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Level 1 missions cheat

NOTE : Do NOT try 9k exp ABOVE or else you will get error!

Requirements :

1. Open Fiddler.
2. Click Autoresponder at the top right of fiddler.
3. Check the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..'.
4. Click 'Add' (The 'StringToMatch' will appear).
5. Click the 'StringToMatch' and Change the RULE EDITOR to :


6. Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the 'Save' button.
7. Select 'Find a File' and browse for the file that you've just downloaded from me 'data_library_en.swf'.
8. Click 'Save'.
9. Clear your browser cache (Important!)
10. Go to Ninja Saga and Happy Leveling :).

Ninja Saga // TP Trick With Charles

Tools :
* Charles Proxy
* Fire Fox

Steps :
  1. open charles (pastikan addressnya betul, adres ninja saga)
  2. open ns till the choosing character page
  3. enable break point.
  4. choose char,--> play.
  5. execute 7 times.
  6. find Edit respon, AMF , search for Bloodline.
  7. expand the bloodline folder, expand the folder inside the bloodline folder, (the folder from 0 t0 7)
  8. change the level to 10 in every folder from 2 to 7.(if u have learn the secret, it will give u till 9 folder, change the level in each folder from 1 to 9)
  9. disable break point, execute, tadaaaaa.... all your talent skill at max level!

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Critical Atack With Skill

Kali Ini gw kasih critical atack'y char kmu pake Cheat Engine (ga papa kan?)
nih langsung aja toturial'y

Tools :
*Cheat Engine 5.6.1
*Firefox,Flock,Chrome dll.

Steps :
->Login FB trus masuk NINJA SAGA
->Tunggu sampai pemilihan character[jangan di play dulu]
->Buka Cheat Engine lalu pilih Process List browser yang kamu gunakan
->Scan type "Array of Bytes",centang "ASROM" [Also Scan Read Only Memories]
->Scan 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 di dalam kotak HEX
->Pasti muncul 2 Addres,klik dua kali semua Addres tersebut sampai pindah ke kotak Addres yang di bawah
->Ganti ke Dua value menjadi 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
->Pilih char kamu dan klik PLAY

Ninja Saga // High Exp

Tool :
Fire Fox
Fiddler / Chrome
File Above

Steps :
1. drag file 2 fiddler
2. clear cache
3. play NS
4. enjoy

note : the mission with high xp can be used only twice and if u play hardowrking student u get practice nigata ....(gold cheat too)

Ninja Saga Info

Hei all...
sorry baru update...gw dapet link baru dari tmn gw ttg ninja saga tp belum tau kegunaannya...
Extremeties talent
judul'y sih kaya gtu tp gw blom coba cz gw sibuk ma aktifitas baru gw..

yang udah nyoba tolong kasih komen ok,,,thx b4..hehehe

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Pet Pumpkin Trick

Tools :
Charles Proxy

Step :
open charles
open ninja saga
go to pet shop
breakpoint amf
buy any pet
then breakpoint will appear
change the id to 15
change also the name
ta da! u have the pumpkin!

enjoy! Kakashi

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Super Pets

-Download the file according with the pet that u have
-open fidler and click the tab autoresponder
-drag the downloaded file to the autoresponder tab
-clear cache and login
-enjoy !

Suki: pig_1.swf
-Attacks: 35k dmg
-Protection 100%(Invulnerable)

Chiko: bird_1.swf
-Attacks: 36k dmg
-Dodge of the oponent -100%

Suzu: cat_1.swf
-Attacks: 37k dmg
-Stun 20 turns

Eriko: dog_1.swf
-Attacks: 37k dmg
-Enemy -100% accuracy(dodge always)

Inokuchi: pig_2.swf
-Attacks: 38k dmg
-Stun 20 turns and dmg 15k

Leiko: snake_1.swf
-Attacks 38kdmg
-Poison the enemy reducing 33%hp during 3 turns

Keiko: toad_1.swf
-Attacks 38k dmg
-Attack 2 30kdmg restrict 20turns
-Burn the enemy reducing 30%hp during 3 turns and do 15k dmg instantly

Ninja saga // World Boss Just 4 Fun

Tools :
files - > click the name of boss!!
Step :
just drag file 2 fiddler and clear cache
have fun ^_^

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Ninja saga // Money Hack + Instan Skill

credit : ryuzaki
Tools Needed:
Fiddler 2
file required

1. Download the Money and Skill by Ryuzaki.rar and extract it
2. Open Fidler
3. Drag the the academy.swf and shop_new.swf to the Auto Responder tab in Fidler
4. Go to Ninja Saga then play. Then go to academy for instant skills for free (note: secret and token skills are not working). Go to Shop>Items>last page then buy 10.000.000 gold for free
5. Enjoy!

Ninja Saga // Tools All In One

credit : ambonganteng

Hunting Tools bored cheat? Tired of looking there looking for here? Once the can is not full also ..

Well, I have packed tool for you that newbie, complete language, the program is deliberately gw Collect so you do not let the hassles of looking for tools anymore.

All I have a test ready for combat dah everything from fiddler until Ninja saga simulator. Well without any strings attached, just suck directly, keep in mind though you do not misunderstand these tools only as a complement to the activities you cheat, especially for newbie, ....

Sorry if the file a little big, his name is all in one, ... hehehehehehehe,,,

download here just click

sorry if my english substandard

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Instan skill

you can only buy gold skills not token skills have fun before it gets patch....

files download

just drag 2 fiddler
clear cache..
play NS

Ninja Saga // Ttrick100 TP

kalian bisa mendapatkan 100 tp dalam setiap misi di TP mission tapi hanya untuk harian...

tools :
file TP

just drag 2 fiddler and clear cache..

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Ninja Saga // Akatsuki clothes+weapon


tools :
1. fiddler
2. firefox
3. files
klik aza

langkah - langkahnya :
1. Buka Fiddler

2. Pada bagian AutoResponder
- centang (check) Enable Automatic Response
- centang (check) Permit Passthrough For Unmatched Request
3. Drag And Drop Dengan Code :
- file "(Atelier).swf" REGEX:(?insx)^.*set_01_0\.swf$
- file "(G.U).swf" REGEX:(?insx)^.*back_03\.swf$
- file "(G.U +).swf" REGEX:(?insx)^.*wpn_01\.swf$
4. Buka Broswer Kamu (Firefox, Google Cromw, And Other)
5. Clear Chahe
6. Pergi Ke Ninja Saga Dan Klik Play
7. Gunakan EQUIP INI :
- Kunai
- Ninja bag
- Noobie Contume Male

Ninja Saga

Now i will give you weapon boss just finished a mission, and absolutely permanent.
* Firefox 3.6.x
* Fiddler 2

steps :
1. download this file
2. drag 2 fiddler
3. clear cache
4. play NS

Now i will give you weapon + clothes with just finished a mission, and absolutely permanent.
* Firefox 3.6.x
* Fiddler 2

steps :
1. download this file
2. drag 2 fiddler
3. clear cache
4. play NS

dtp 4 thunder only

Now i will give you taijutsu dtp 4 thunder only.
* Firefox 3.6.x
* Fiddler 2
steps :
1. download this file
2. drag 2 fiddler
3. clear cache
4. play NS


just drag 2 fiddler...

klik ini

jangan lupa clear firefox chace!!

Ninja Saga // Boss 1 hit KO

Required Tools

steps :
  1. Download above required files
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the eneXXX.swf files and the hunting_house swf file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
  6. Just enter Ninja Saga
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it.

Ninja Saga // Ultimate Money Cheat

tools :
# Download required "files" above
# Fiddler2
# Firefox

1. Open Fiddler2.
2. Go to Autoresponder. Check the options "Enable automatic responses" And "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests".
3. Click ADD.
4. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
5. In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the mission2.swf that you have just downloaded from pwnthis.net..
6. Now just clear your browser cache..
7. Enter Ninja Saga and finish the mission "Hardworking Student".
8. You will get the A LOT of weapons to sell upon each completion.
9. Do NOT ABUSE as said by the author. Just use it once and you will be rich forever.

all dummy mission and new hairstyle . reset profile

All mission are dummy
new hairstyle .
new update reset profile for free user .

files 2 download

add all files to fiddler .
clear cache .
play NS .

Ninja Saga // Instant missions

Required Tools
* Download required files above HERE
* Fiddler2
* Firefox
1. Open Fiddler2.
2. Go to Autoresponder. Check the options "Enable automatic responses" And "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests".
3. Click ADD.
4. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
5. Click ADD.
6. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
7. In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the data_library_en.swf that you have just downloaded from pwnthis.net..
8. Now just clear your browser cache..
9. Enter Ninja Saga and do any missions. It should be instantly completed".
10. Note: Some missions are missing and you cannot really instant complete the jounin exam mission.

Ninja Saga // All Weapon Boss

Now i will give you weapon boss just finished a mission, and absolutely permanent.
* Firefox 3.6.x
* Fiddler 2

steps :
1. download this file
2. drag 2 fiddler
3. clear cache
4. play NS

Ninja Saga // weapon + clothes

Now i will give you weapon + clothes with just finished a mission, and absolutely permanent.
* Firefox 3.6.x
* Fiddler 2

steps :
1. download this file
2. drag 2 fiddler
3. clear cache
4. play NS

Ninja Saga // dtp 4 thunder

Now i will give you taijutsu dtp 4 thunder only.
* Firefox 3.6.x
* Fiddler 2

steps :

1. download this file
2. drag 2 fiddler
3. clear cache
4. play NS

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010


Tools :
1. fiddler download
2. firefox

untuk window xp sp2 mesti install dulu framework'y download
untuk window vista + window 7 ga usah di install..

Langkah - langkah :

# Instal fiddler
# restart mozilla firefox
# hidupkan Fiddler (bis restrat firefox km Bakal liat tulisan fiddler di kanan bawah klik itu dan pilih Use Fiddler Automatic)
# Open Fiddler.
# ke Tab autoresponder and centang ‘Enable Automatic.. ‘ and ‘Permit pass…’
# Click ADD.
# A ‘String To Match’ akan muncul di table itu, ganti pa copy paste ini regex:(?insx)^.*data_library_en\.swf$
# di kolom sebelah kanannya Click on the ▼ button di sebelah kiri button Save. And select ‘File a file’
# Browse browse file yg dah u download ‘data_library_en.swf’
# Click ADD.
# save
# Clear mozilla cache
# reload Ninja saga

regex:(?insx)^.*data_library_en\.swf$ untuk file data_library_en
regex:(?insx)^.*mission_2\.swf$ untuk file
mission_2 Dst…


just drag 2 fiddler...

klik ini

jangan lupa clear firefox chace!!

Ninja Saga // Boss 1 hit KO

Required Tools

steps :
  1. Download above required files
  2. Extract all the files to your desktop
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the eneXXX.swf files and the hunting_house swf file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
  5. It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
  6. Just enter Ninja Saga
  7. Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it.

Ninja Saga // Ultimate Money Cheat

tools :
# Download required "files" above
# Fiddler2
# Firefox

1. Open Fiddler2.
2. Go to Autoresponder. Check the options "Enable automatic responses" And "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests".
3. Click ADD.
4. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
5. In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the mission2.swf that you have just downloaded from pwnthis.net..
6. Now just clear your browser cache..
7. Enter Ninja Saga and finish the mission "Hardworking Student".
8. You will get the A LOT of weapons to sell upon each completion.
9. Do NOT ABUSE as said by the author. Just use it once and you will be rich forever.

all dummy mission and new hairstyle . reset profile

All mission are dummy
new hairstyle .
new update reset profile for free user .

files 2 download

add all files to fiddler .
clear cache .
play NS .

Ninja Saga // Instant missions

Required Tools

* Download required files above DISINI
* Fiddler2
* Firefox

1. Open Fiddler2.
2. Go to Autoresponder. Check the options "Enable automatic responses" And "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests".
3. Click ADD.
4. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
5. Click ADD.
6. Select the line that appears and change the "StringToMatch" to
7. In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the data_library_en.swf that you have just downloaded from pwnthis.net..
8. Now just clear your browser cache..
9. Enter Ninja Saga and do any missions. It should be instantly completed".
10. Note: Some missions are missing and you cannot really instant complete the jounin exam mission.